Equallogic manual failover

If there is a network connection to the active control module, the control module failover will be transparent to applications; however, iSCSI initiators must reconnect to the group IP address. If the only functioning control module fails, the controller will be inaccessible from the network and data loss is possible.  · Failover and swapping controllers in a Equallogic SAN, command line involved Equallogic as some of you know are old storage systems sold by Dell that can do at best RAID6 in a good day. As of now it has been out of support for a few years; Dell bought EMC and would rather if we used that www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 8 mins. When the manual transfer replication is complete, the Failback to Primary operation continues automatically. When the Failback to Primary operation completes, on the secondary group, the recovery volume disappears from the list of volumes, and the inbound replica set reappears in the list of inbound replica sets.

This manual describes how to maintain the hardware for PS storage arrays. Each array contains hot-swappable power supply and cooling modules, eight or sixteen RAID-protected disks, and dual hot-swappable control modules. We will use EqualLogic software to replicate data/VMs between two sites. The PEO will run Windows R2 Enterprise and Microsoft SQL Consideration: We believe we have knowledge to create a Multi-Site Failover Clustering. However, we don’t have experience to use EqualLogic replication software and experience to build a Multi-Site. 3 EqualLogic Configuration Guide | Version | February Revision history Revision Date Changes February Section Vertical port failover behavior in PS controllers New information in on how to ensure a secure network environment New information for Controller type 15 in Table 5.

Dell EqualLogic PS Series iSCSI Storage Arrays With Microsoft Windows Server Failover Clusters Hardware Installation and Troubleshooting Guide. This document provides information and specific configuration tasks that enable you to configure your Failover Cluster with Dell EqualLogic PS Series. Step 1: Failover to the Secondary Group – Data Is Available shows the first step in At this point, the volume replication configuration returns to its.


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