To report a Coast Guard personnel casualty (active, reservist, auxiliary, or family member) please contact the Base Detachment St. Louis Decedent Affairs Officer. Decedent Affairs Officer: () INFORMATION LINKS * Coast Guard Casualty Assist Guide: This guide describes rights and benefits that a survivor of a deceased Coast Guard member may be eligible to receive. · Decedent Affairs. To report the death of a Coast Guard or NOAA retiree, annuitant, or Lighthouse keeper please call or fax PPC (RAS): Commanding Officer (RAS) U. S. Coast Guard Pay Personnel Center. SE Quincy St. Topeka KS Toll Free: Commercial: Fax: Decedent Affairs. Decedent affairs are coordinated for the Thirteenth Coast Guard District through the Personnel Services Division at Base Seattle. The Decedent Affairs Officer (DAO) is responsible for active duty, reserve, dependent deaths in the Thirteenth District. We assist the family in making funeral arrangements and help the next of kin obtain any compensation or entitlements they may be due.
The Decedent Affairs Officer (DAO) is responsible for coordinating support services related to active duty, dependent, and retiree deaths in the First District. We assist the family in making funeral arrangements and help the next of kin obtain any compensation or entitlements they may be due. Decedent affairs are coordinated for District 1 through the Personnel Services Division at Base Boston. Decedent Affairs Officers (DAO) located at Bases, TRACENs, and other large CG units are designated as MFH Regional Coordinators and are responsible for assignment of all MFH requests within their geographic AOR, which aligns closely with District AOR boundaries but which, in some places, may cross between multiple Districts. A. 5. The National Ensign can be displayed on a casket for a Coast Guard Auxiliarist when that member has died while on Auxiliary orders. There are rules of who is authorized a National Ensign from the Government. Those rules are found in the Decedent Affairs Manual, COMDTINST M (series). 6. Coast Guard Militar y Medals and Awards Manual.
We work to prevent the loss of life on the coast and at sea. We produce legislation and guidance on maritime matters, and provide certification to seafarers. Note: Notification of the death abroad of a State Department employee, the U.S. Coast Guard which will provide instructions to the consular officer for. 9 thg 9, The Coast Guard Personnel Manual is being eliminated and reissued as a set of manuals (including this one) which will allow for more expedited.