· DoD M. MARITIME CLAIMS REFERENCE MANUAL. 6/23/ UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY1. J. FOREWORD This Manual is reissued under the authority of DoD Instruction C, "U.S. Program for the Exercise of Navigation and Overflight Rights at Sea (U)," J. It provides a general reference . Department of Defense Directive , The Maritime Claims Reference Manual, sets out in detail all states’ claims regarding their national maritime areas. The guide includes specific LAT/LONG reference info for each claim, and the US position in regard to states’ claims. · U.N.T.S. 3, 21 I.L.M () and implementation of Part XI of United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea of 28 July , U.N.T.S. 3, 33 I.L.M. () e. DOD M, 23 June , “Maritime Claims Reference Manual” 1. Purpose. This instruction establishes uniform policy for the exercise of.
I.L.M. () e. DOD M, 23 June , “Maritime Claims Reference Manual” 1. Purpose. This instruction establishes uniform policy for the exercise of. This Manual is reissued under the authority of DoD Instruction C, "U.S. Program for the Exercise of Navigation and Overflight Rights at Sea (U)," J. It provides a general reference concerning the maritime claims of all coastal nations. Its principal purpose is to facilitate the DoD Freedom of Navigation Program. This Manual is issued under the authority of DoD Instruction C 1, U.S. Program for the Exercise of Navigation and Overflight Rights at Sea, U J. It provides a general reference regarding the maritime claims of all coastal nations. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the execution of the U.S. Freedom of Navigation Program. The maps and tabs used in the June version of.
approximately 10 n.m. See U.S. DEPARTMENT oF DEFENSE, MARITIME CLAIMS. REFERENCE MANUAL (DoD M), to , to , and. Illustrative map: Maritime Claims, Reference Manual, United States. Department of Defense, l-M, Department of Defense, M, vol. I, June Maritime. Claims. Reference. Manual. DOD. m, available at www.doorway.ru 36 UNCLOS, Thailand: Ratification, C.N.